We're made of pure energy and so is the world around us. The dense energy that comprises the earth itself, all of nature around us, and our physical bodies are what we can see with our physical eyes or touch with our bodies.

Besides the physical part of our bodies, though, there's another part of our energy body and capabilities that we can't see. Some people call this part the soul. Others call it spirit. I tend to call it spirit but it seems part and parcel of the soul too. Maybe these two are one and the same.

When your physical body dies, your soul disengages from it. In most cases, you, as your soul, are met at some point of your journey by other souls and accompanied to another realm of a different energy density and vibration. Some people call this Heaven. They also may believe that

I recently read a book that has a lot of material drawn hypnotic regression of folks who recalled a lot about the other side, the spirit side. My understanding from the book was that when you die, your soul goes to the vibrational realm suited to your own soul's needs and readiness. Everyone doesn't just go to the very same place.

Everyone rests there. Everyone does a life review. Some people undergo major healing and counseling. Everyone is loved.

If all of this sounds foreign, it may be because so many of us come from cultures where understanding and working with spiritual energy is a mystery, we either don't believe in things that don't agree with our religions, or we don't believe in things we can't see. Or sometimes folks observe things about the energy world, but they try to make it jibe with their religious beliefs. This stops them from completing their move into a higher level of understanding.

I'm not going to go on a diatribe against religions--all of which I consider to be man-made, but I will say that many western religions seem to stop people from discovering the full truth about source energy and spirit. I dream of a time where people finally reject their old religious beliefs and realize many of these practices and traditions are based on misinterpreted events, mistranslated conversations and incorrect attributions.

Note that I'm using "spirit self" rather than "spirituality." The reason for this use is because the word "spirituality" has a connotation for many to be about a belief system. Many folks say they're spiritual, and by that they mean they believe in some kind of god or higher power but not necessarily the god of various religions.

I say "spirit self" because I want to make it clear that we have a spirit component to our existence. And this component is linked and braided with our body in various ways. Also, even though your spirit self is the same thing as your soul, the term "soul" carries a slight connotation of applying to the afterlife. So to avoid misinterpretation, I'll use "spirit self."

And if you know what your spiritual self is capable of, you can do amazing things.

You can access information from teachers and guides who don't live in the same physical density as yourself. These spirit souls are more than happy to help you figure things out, to find your own truths and your happiest path.

But even more than just getting help from the souls on the other side of the veil, we can certainly get help from living spirits. As we walk through our human life, we need help with our burdens. If we have a load of groceries too heavy to carry alone, if someone helps us by carrying some of the groceries, we're able to complete the task. It's much the same way with our spirit self.

To illustrate, you can send a mental message to someone to ask them to look at a problem with you, or a situation that's troubling you. They can apply their knowledge to it, and give you advice, support, and strength. And in fact, more often than not, they will do it immediately.

They can help you without being there in person because while your physical body is bound by physical laws, your spirit self isn't restrained in the same ways. Your spirit self can make quantum tunnels to another spirit elsewhere on the planet, and the stronger your rapport and similarities (of resonance), the more rich the connection will be. Through this connection, they will help you carry things, understand puzzles, decipher mysteries, forge ahead, break free, bear up, find courage, and more.

Now, you ask, let's talk about how our spirit is made of pure energy, sometimes we seem to run low on positivity and health. How could this happen?

It happens because of the demands of a human existence. These demands can pull us down, and as we eat poorly and fail to provide our body with the necessary energy, it pulls down our spirit. We falter and our thoughts can become negative. Negative thoughts are diffuse and low in vibration. The low vibrations mix into our energy field, and the high and low vibrations mix just like a pristine lake when bad water is suddenly tossed in. The bad water slowly but surely mixes with the good water, pollutes it and the whole lake is now of lower quality. It needs to be cleansed and purified to become good water again.

You can cleanse your body's energy too. You can push the negative out, you can convert it, you can raise its vibration by adding the goodness it needs. In this way, you become purely high vibrational again.

How can you do this? We'll discuss some of the ways. The good news is there are many ways you can  keep yourself full of positivity.

The first and one of the best ways is to ask the God Source Energy to fill you. As a reiki practitioner, I create the reiki signs in the air in front of me and I ask to be filled with God Source Energy.

Another way is to quiet your conscious mind and partake in meditation. Some people use mantras, others use visualizations, still others simply focus their consciousness on their breath. Some types of martial arts or physical exercise are also very meditative at their core, as your mind quiets and the body instincts take over and your mental pushing recedes.

Folks who do more than one kind of meditation each day are healthier than they'd otherwise be. If you do this, you'll be glad you did.


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