Coronavirus chronicles

This whole coronavirus thing is getting to be tiresome. We've never had anything like this before. If what people are telling us is true, it's as if a dreadful ominous super serious virus that can kill us is lurking on all the surfaces in the grocery store and every public place.

This is horrible. It's like it's not even fully sunk in to people yet. I think this because when I go to the local grocery store, I'm the only person wearing nitrile gloves. I'm like, geez, you people are so dumb.  How can you not understand this? And it's all of them not wearing gloves, except for me.

I don't get it at all. People don't seem to realize, it's not just that it could kill you, it's that if you get it, you'll be carried away in a plastic tent by people dressed in full-on hazmat suits. You'll be yanked from your job, which you'll hopefully get back after a few weeks in isolation. You'd have huge medical bills, and your whole life would be uprooted. What a fucking mess. Isn't that worth wearing gloves to avoid?

The problem isn't so much if you get the virus, it's more like if people think you have it and what they'll do to you. Look at the people on those cruise ships as a prime example. Their lives were ripped up. Hopefully they can put things back together.

I'm just not sure we should be pulling people from their lives and hospitalizing them. Does everyone who gets this virus require hospitalization? Should everyone be dragged out by hazmat-wearing EMTs?


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