Each day brings a new surprise

I've learned something from all of this last two months' events, the job going belly-up and then deciding to sell my condo. I've learned that for me, while it's fine to be alone for minor things or when things go well, it's very hard to be alone on and on in perpetuity. It's been scary and I could have really used someone to calm me down and bring me back to the center. I could have used someone saying to me that everything is going to be okay.

I wish I had come to terms with understanding my own nature a long time ago, and then planned my life in accordance with who I really am. And who I am is a result of growing up in such a peaceful environment. My childhood was in the woods, the fields, with the animals and the neighbor kids. I grew up happy and life was mostly predictable. Because of that, I grew to be sensitive as I wanted to be, because it was safe to be so.

I grew up nearly fearless and as an adult, I continuously put myself in danger. If it hadn't been for my friends, family, and my special friends who've looked out for me so many times, I'd have died. I'm grateful for all the help I've had over the years.

Then today, we found out that the other company was looking to hire us as contractors, but apparently, the way they're trying to do it isn't doable. So it sounds like our company is disgusted and will take us onto the Bench and try to find us new jobs within their org. Hopefully, this will bear fruit and at the very least, hopefully it'll give me another two weeks of work. Two more paychecks will hopefully see me through to the sale of my condo and give me the money I need to make these final repairs and pay for my storage unit.

I'm grateful for the special help of my special friends, whom I know have helped me massively here. Thank you so much, Friends!!

Missy is sick. I feel bad for her. She has a lot on her plate and she's doing a great job. Joel is coming again to help me on Saturday. It will be so good to have him here with me. I'm looking forward to getting these boxes out of here. Now that I think about it, the only remaining boxes will be the ones I'm living out of until I sell and move out.

Today I won against the chocolate cravings and didn't eat any chocolate cakes. I had shit my pants yesterday from the extreme cake gorging. And I felt so sick too. I can't seem to eat like that anymore. It's just as well.

I'm looking forward to my interview on Friday. And it works out perfectly that we were given a vacation day for Friday so I can go do that without worries of taking time off from work.


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