
Showing posts from February, 2020

Each day brings a new surprise

I've learned something from all of this last two months' events, the job going belly-up and then deciding to sell my condo. I've learned that for me, while it's fine to be alone for minor things or when things go well, it's very hard to be alone on and on in perpetuity. It's been scary and I could have really used someone to calm me down and bring me back to the center. I could have used someone saying to me that everything is going to be okay. I wish I had come to terms with understanding my own nature a long time ago, and then planned my life in accordance with who I really am. And who I am is a result of growing up in such a peaceful environment. My childhood was in the woods, the fields, with the animals and the neighbor kids. I grew up happy and life was mostly predictable. Because of that, I grew to be sensitive as I wanted to be, because it was safe to be so. I grew up nearly fearless and as an adult, I continuously put myself in danger. If it hadn&#
We're made of pure energy and so is the world around us. The dense energy that comprises the earth itself, all of nature around us, and our physical bodies are what we can see with our physical eyes or touch with our bodies. Besides the physical part of our bodies, though, there's another part of our energy body and capabilities that we can't see. Some people call this part the soul. Others call it spirit. I tend to call it spirit but it seems part and parcel of the soul too. Maybe these two are one and the same. When your physical body dies, your soul disengages from it. In most cases, you, as your soul, are met at some point of your journey by other souls and accompanied to another realm of a different energy density and vibration. Some people call this Heaven. They also may believe that I recently read a book that has a lot of material drawn hypnotic regression of folks who recalled a lot about the other side, the spirit side. My understanding from the book was th

New life starts now

I think this is pretty wild. [Negative content removed] Today I was feeling so out of it, so down, at the bottom, at the lowest point of my whole life. I thought about how I'd end it all if I had any balls, but I don't and I wouldn't do that to my kids. But the truth is, when you're really, really blue, no one really cares all that much. I'm suffering here, in pain, and I'm alone in this shit. Surrounded by boxes. And then I open up Quora and find this fabulous post by a guy who had a really dark time of the soul. He said that when that comes about, you have to just let it happen, let it roll completely over you. Because the truth is, you don't know shit, you don't know how to run your life, you don't know how to make yourself happy, you don't know how the world works. You're where you are because of all of your choices and now you're here. Yes, I'm here. I'm surrounded by boxes, and I'm shoveling myself out of the lif